The Holiday Takeaway 😊
We are back from our camping trip, all refreshed and ever inspired.
I spent a lot of time in the river and forests, and I am so grateful for the time away and the opportunity to be offline.
Above is one of my favourite picture of Snob Creek Cascade in Eildon, Victoria. No matter how hard I try, I cannot capture the full beauty of the river just on a single shot.
I stood by the riverside for a while and thought about the rocks that are scattered along the river. Wouldn't it be easier for the water to flow should there be no rocks as the obstacles? Yes true, but the rocks brings out the true beauty of the water.
Perhaps it is true for our lives, too. Have you ever think that life will be much better with no problems and obstacles? Could it be that the rocks in our life are there to bring out the true beauty in every one of us?
And as there is no rock too big for the water to flow through, there will be no problem or obstacles too big for us to overcome.
This is my holiday takeaway that I would love to share with you, and hope this will encourage you to face whatever difficult circumstances, challenges or obstacles that you may find in your way with a faith that you will overcome it gracefully, just like the water in the river.
With that said, I hope you and your family will always be well and have a lovely week ahead 🙏
💙 Heppi 💚